Thursday, April 22, 2010

15. Final Impressions

Colloquium is a great class for students to explore the habitat that the school is founded on. I really enjoyed the field trips including the canoe trip and campus trails.


I must say that this class stressed me out beyond a level that any class probably should. I didn't understand why this class was a Gordon rule class that required so much writing. Though I did enjoy some of the readings, I feel as if I walked away confused from the book and its message.

I really enjoyed working in groups and met cool people.


The wiki project is definitely something that I would cut out. I didn't even know what a wiki was, and then I had to make one? Still today I am confused on what a wiki is.

I completely understand the value of service learning hours.


Its hard to determine what is nature friendly service learning hours are. Esp. if your major has nothing to do with the environment.

OVERALL. . .I did enjoy the field trips the most. Learning something is always easier if you can see rather than read it.

Colloquium is a great class, but would be a better class if there was an equal curriculum for every colloquium teacher and class.

13. Canoe Trip

This by far was the best field trip ever.

I really enjoyed this field trip for many reasons. First, we got to experience the land and water first hand. Also we got to become closer with our classmates. I really enjoyed canoeing with Kaitlyn and glad we didn't tip the canoe.

This field trip was very important for many reasons. It taught us about the habitat and mangroves that were all over the place. I have been canoeing on many different occasions, and EVERY TIME i worry about falling into the water. Not that I wouldn't be OK, but you know.

This habitat is extremely important because this is our backyard. I live here in SW FL so it makes me more proud to be from Naples and SW FL.

12. Downtown Fort Myers

This was the one field trip that I was completely confused about. I've been to downtown Fort Myers on many occasions but I never realized or seen all of the things that I saw that day. I really enjoyed this field trip for many reasons. First, while walking around the city, you could see the history. Also to go along with the history of the city, it makes the city look bigger then it actually is.

I really enjoyed the bay and the city of palms, it is amazing to see how many different palm tree can survive in Florida.

Another thing that I really enjoyed was the museum. I really liked the history of the first settlers of Florida. Though I don't understand the Egypt exhibit but I still enjoyed it.

Downtown Fort Myers is a beautiful place to display the history of Thomas Edison, Palms, and many more things to come.

Picture from: Google Images.

10. Corkscrew

The Corkscrew Swap Sanctury is a great place to become one with the nature and the surroundings. I feel this filed trip allowed us to see things that we talked about in class and touched on the history of Florida.

This was the first field trip that we had a student naturalist. I feel its great to have someone close to the same age to explain the nautral world and nature. He was a great tour guide and pointed out things that I would have never seen on my own.

Corkscrew is a great place that shows great ways to be eco-friendly and the history of Florida and this land.

Whenever on a field trip I love too see animals. I saw many different animals including birds, racoons and a rare cuban lizard.

:-) ttyl.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

9. Ecological Footprint

  • If everybody lived like me, it would take 6.3 earths to hold everybody and their habits.
  • I would love to live more efficently, if I could learn a cheaper way then doing so.
  • But being a college student that is always on the run, seems to make it harder each day!
  • I would love to learn more.
  • BUT i do feel that something went wrong, because 6.3 earths is A LOT.
  • HOPE I did this correctly!

7. Estero Bay and Matanzas Pass Perserve

  • I really enjoyed Estero Bay and Matanzas Pas Preserve because of all the knowledge that was there. I older woman who greeted us was extremely nice and seemed to know a lot of history about the bay. I love to hear stories about history and people who have lived through it all.
  • The board wall was very nice for two reasons, the weather was amazing and there were a lot of different things to learn.
  • From my understand,, is a site were you can sell your land to them for conservation purposes. They also use the land to protect wildlife, plants, and the land itself, so we can have the land in the future.
  • This is the first time I've seen this site, but I have heard of programs like this that do the same thing. I've not visited any other preserves but definitely hope to do so in the future. I feel that should use the tax dollars to preserve land, if not the future can lead to devastating things and extinction of animals.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

6. Water Rights

  • No, I feel that people don't have the right to sell water that flows beneath the ground. 1. Its not fair to charge for something that is natural and sell it at a rediculas price. 2. If there is a body of water that is local and there is a water shortage, then if they can't use the water then it could kill millions. Wildlife could be impacted both in a positive way and negative way. If there is a shortage of food; then you could hunt. BUT if you could hunt whenever you want, there would never be any food.
  • Though this was extremely hard for me to conclude, I do not feel that I am conserve as much water as I can. I drink about a gallon of water a day, and do recycle the bottles and use tap water so I'm not buying water as much. Unfortunately, I don't have the supplies, like a bucket, to measure a shower and sink and the water that I use. If I could guess how much water I do use a day, between brushing my teeth, showers, washing my hands, and doing dishes; I feel that I use 6+ gallons of water a day.
  • Though I might use a lot of watere I do feel that I conserve water also, I don't leave the water on in many different cases. I refill jugs and bottles that I use throughout the day.